
Got questions? Here are the answers to FAQs!

Can I create a custom/personal message?

There is an option to add a message for the recipient with the gift and selection boxes. Just add your message where prompted and this will be printed onto a card and placed in the box.

What are wax melts & how do I use them?

Wax melts are small chunks of wax infused with fragrance. Similar to scented candles but without a wick, the wax melt is placed in the dish at the top of either an electric burner or one with an unscented tea light burning underneath. The heat will melt the wax and release a beautiful aroma into the room.

Safety instructions?

To ensure you get the most out of the wax melts, store in a cool dark place away from direct sunlight.

If using a classic burner (which are normally made from ceramic or glass), place your wax melt into the dish at the top and light the unscented tea light below. Always ensure you use a 4 hour unscented tea light as longer burning or scented tea lights burn at a higher temperature and can crack or cause the burner to catch alight. Also be aware whenever there is a naked flame involved there is a possibility of danger, so do not place the burner near a draft, or in a position where it can be reached by children or animals. Always use within sight and do not leave unattended. Do not attempt to move the burner whilst the candle is burning. Extinguish the tea light before you leave the house or go to sleep. 

Electric burners are also an option, and safer as no flame is involved, but still be aware not to leave on for a prolonged time, or move while the wax is still hot. 

Do not overfill the burner.

If you have any reaction to the wax, consult a doctor, and take the melt packaging with you as it has the CLP information on with potential allergens found in the fragrance. If you get hot wax on your skin, wash with plenty of soap and water straight away.

Wax melts or scented candles?

Both are lovely, and have their pros and cons. There is something romantic about a flickering candle, and creates ambience. However, wax melts have a more intense aroma then scented candles, as they heat up slowly. Also as you do not directly burn wax melts, their fragrance oils are not destroyed while releasing their aroma. Wax melts are cheaper to purchase, and as are not packaged in glass jars are more environmentally friendly. You can also control the amount of fragrance you would like to melt by adding more or less melts to your burner.

How many times can I burn the wax melt?

The wax melt can be burned several times before losing its intensity. Once the fragrance diminishes, remove the wax from the burner by lighting the candle for a few seconds to loosen, then using a cotton pad or tissue gently slide the wax disc out. Rinse the top of the burner with a clean cloth ready for your next melt!